welcome to the ADULTHOOD
From expecting OMG, GROWING UP FEELS SO GOOD to the harsh reality that ADULTHOOD SUCKS!!! we all grew up.
I know no one wants to but as its said time and tide waits for no one, it's always applicable, and apart from regretting we cannot do anything. Basically, it depends upon our own perspective that how we want to remember the things.......we should feel sad and regret that time passed so quickly and we grew OR we should remember all the sweet memory of childhood???? that's all about PERSPECTIVE.With the passage of time everything changes, but you know the thing which is most affected by this aging is our emotions and feelings. but sometimes things are not that same as what we think. emotions and growing up are inversely proportional. the older we become, the weaker our emotions become.
I still remember when I was a kid, I always wanted to grow fast because it felt so good to see others, when I was a teen I wanted to grow and now here I am in my ADULTHOOD regretting that we should always appreciate what we have and we are. Rethinking about the past, we experience a MAGICAL feeling.........eyes filled with tears, wide smile yet confusing.....confused that we should cheer up that we have come so long in our life or we should be sad that the time passes and we cannot have that golden time back.......should we cheer up or shouldn't we????
Well, I guess its the biggest dilemma, and no one has the answer, at least I don't have.........that's the unanswered question, and that's adulthood all about, all about empty feelings and unanswered questions.
I haven't found the answers but u have the answers then pls do tell me until then..........WELCOME TO ADULTHOOD!!!
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