what if i say no?
Why is it so difficult...
To say the word "no"? it's just a word, right?? After feeling trapped for some time by my excessive urge to be agreeable, it got me thinking........
you may think that saying "yes" will save your relation but ultimately, you'll get tired.......I asked myself why is it so important for me to please everyone??? I realized I was afraid of saying no because my biggest fear is rejection. I was afraid that every time I did this, I would disappoint someone, make them angry, hurt their feelings, or appear unkind or rude. having people think negatively of me is the ultimate rejection I fear about. and so I realized exactly why I found it so difficult to say no.
being always nice can make your life miserable, don't fall into this 'being nice trap'.......saying no doesn't mean that you are being rude or selfish or unkind. these are all unhelpful beliefs that make it hard to say no. if you depend on other people's approval, what you are basically saying is their opinion about me is more important than my opinion about myself, then you need to know your worth. If your opinion of yourself is quite low, remember that its okay to make mistakes, nobody is perfect, and everybody does things that they regret, and this is what makes us HUMAN.
once you learn to say NO, you make your life easier........you have to decide if saying yes is really worth it or not? after committing to something, doubt eventually sets in and you may begin to think of ways you can get out of it. sometimes people stay with you because you're profitable for them, not because you add value......think about the anguish, stress, and resentment that saying yes has caused you. wouldn't it be so much easier and straightforward to just say no in the first place???
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